Accelerate your Brand with SMART Social Media Goals

Accelerate your Brand with SMART Social Media Goals

Accelerate your Brand with SMART Social Media Goals


Social media is the largest playground for brand promotion in the current times. If you haven’t started social media marketing even now, then I have bad news for you, my friend. Your business deeply lacks the platform that has the potential to make it reach the top level. Social media isn’t just a journal platform anymore. It is the largest playground for consumers and brands to interact. Here, new consumer-brand relationships are formed daily and your brand can benefit from this hugely. 

But before you set out on the long journey of successful social media marketing, you certainly need to identify the most effective goals that will help your brand grow. We have made the task very easy for you with a unique technique. Let’s find out what it is.

Set Your Goals – The SMART Way

Smart goal setting means something different in this context. It’s an acronym that helps in achieving targets without much strain. 

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Attainable

R – Relevant

T – Time-bound

Every abbreviation in the SMART acronym helps in reminding an important factor and shaping your social media strategy accordingly. So, when you are setting up small goals to achieve, try seeing them through the “SMART” lens for optimum results. As a brand that is starting with social media advertising, let’s look at some simple & high-return goals to set:

Increase Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness does a great job of putting your brand in the market that attracts the right attention from consumers. Social media can help you reach your target audience & maintain a presence for consistency.

KPIs & Metrics to follow:
  • Total no.of Social media followers
  • User interactions & engagement daily/weekly/monthly
  • No. of shares, retweets, mentions, etc
Brand Awarness
SMART Goals to follow (representational):
  1. Specific: Increase brand awareness by posting 2 posts per week.
  2. Measurable: Make a target to increase all social media followers by 5%.
  3. Attainable: If you attain a 2% increase in total followers after following the plan, it is good progress. 
  4. Relevant: Increasing brand awareness will also increase consumers’ interest in your products & services.
  5. Time-bound: Start with a 1-month plan.

Drive Traffic to Website

A website is the best place to convert your audience to customers. It’s where leads are turned into sales & Social media is a great way to reroute traffic to your website. This is how you can also compile a database of serious potential customers & target them through direct marketing as well.

KPIs & Metrics to follow:
  • Total traffic attracted to your website by social media activities
  • Bounce rate from social media (visitors who come but don’t stay for long)
web traffic
SMART Goals to follow (representational):
  1. Specific: Increase website traffic by referrals on social media.
  2. Measurable: Make a target to increase website traffic from social media by 10%.
  3. Attainable: If you attain a 5% increase in total followers after following the plan, it is good progress. 
  4. Relevant: More website traffic means more time on products & services that will lead to sales.
  5. Time-bound: Start with a 6-month plan.

Get More Leads

Leads are the opportunity every brand marketer is looking for because it turns into sales & social media is the biggest playground to find leads. Social media helps in generating leads with creative communication & collecting basic information about customers. This information will also help you tweak your marketing strategy and add more people to your direct marketing list. 

KPIs & Metrics to follow: 
  • Social media can collect the contact information of customers
  • Calculation of public’s interest in social media polls & events
  • Storing content assets for future use
Lead Managment
SMART Goals to follow (representational):
  1. Specific: Get leads by posting creative content encouraging the audience to share their information.
  2. Measurable: Make a target to get 10 leads per week from social media.
  3. Attainable: Note how many leads have increased after you apply the plan.
  4. Relevant: More leads generate serious buyers for your business
  5.  Time-bound: Start with a 4-week plan.

Understand your Customers

Social media is often hailed as the best form of communication with a brand as the audience can interact back and forth. This also gives the brand an advantage to understand their customers better & come up with strategies that help in maintaining the bond with them. Using the right strategies to understand your customers is one of the best benefits of social media. 

KPIs & Metrics to follow: 
  • Understanding the kind of posts your customers interact with more 
  • Understanding their needs & grievances through comments & messages
  • Understanding their expectations from the brands in terms of products & services
Customer Satisfaction
SMART Goals to follow (representational): 
  1. Specific: Get a better understanding of your customers’ needs & requirements to better your products, services & marketing strategies.
  2. Measurable: Analyze customer data to discover key trends to acquire new customers.
  3. Attainable: Understanding customers’ viewpoint gives more scope to tweak your marketing.
  4. Relevant: Customer satisfaction aids in creating a big customer base and welcoming returning customers.
  5. Time-bound: Start with a 1-month plan.

So, here’s a smart plan to kickstart your brand’s social media marketing! Remember, social media marketing might seem easy, but there are a lot of permutations and combinations that go into the making of a good plan with sustainable results. Use this SMART plan in your strategy and let us know in the comments how it worked for you. Keep following Sanket Communications’ blog page for more info on the marketing & advertising world.

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